Journey into the past

Journey into the past

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

The myth of gold mining

The Anunnaki fallen angels were banished from paradise for their transgressing of the divine law. They did not come to earth to mine for gold or to make a shield to protect their ailing atmospheric conditions on Nibiru because Nibiru never existed and the Nibiru which they referred as planet was their mother ship, which was created billions of years later after the last ice age. What appears in space is really the shadow of Nibiru.

However, the Anunnaki were delighted to find gold on earth because they used it for ornamentation. They looked so hideous that they felt perhaps with ornament on their body they would enhance their looks.  The body they got hold of with much of struggle was deformed, hairy, and they began rubbing gold powder all over their body to look special and glorious as they always considered themselves to be special and godly creature. The other reason being that gold attracted enriched waves of the Absolute Fire Principle the sun into their bodies and emitted it into the environment. This was their original obsession to the secret of gold mining.

They began their life on earth as slaves and also bred many slaves to work for them, and they produced many of the hybrid lower classes to do the same. Since they were cast out of their heavenly positions, the Anunnaki elite and their cadre of 12 followers was living in the darkness of the so called criminal world. As they evolved gradually they acquired the form of worms, bacteria and eventually evolved as lizards, dinosaurs, wolf, dogs and snakes and so forth. The more they experimented they could never create a perfect looking being as they wanted.

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