Journey into the past

Journey into the past

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

The Earth Moon Relationship

Earth’s moon formation was, together with extremely beautiful tidal effect swell extremely high, to the point that the early magma ocean was affected. This provided energy to the temperature from elements heating a source, keeping the magma hot and cool, the first crust on top of the magma.

During this period the meteor bombardment had been very intense at the system and then started to decline. But after the birth there was a rupture of impostors for about hundred million years, and heavy bombardment on the Moon.

In this the Moon is a history and the Earth was hit more than the Moon, however, this increased gravity accelerated to higher velocities towards the Earth. That shattering bombardments sterilized the life unless it found a way to be protected from these devastation.

When some of these impostors hit the Earth, the explosion caused rocks to shoot up and that material flew all over, and landed on the Moon. There could be a few materials, buried under a rock, survived of atmospheric weathering. Those rocks, tell about the history of Earth life.

By exploring the Moon, on how the Earth has processed the Moon that has shaped the Earth, due to impacts. There was a period of activity from the exterior about 2 billion years ago under different circumstances. The Moon channel below a Crust insignificant heating and indulgence dissipated that led to the cycle blocked by this lid on the surface. The Earth drags the crust, and then plunges back down and gets recycled.

There are some very subtle effects of the Moon in the oceans. One cold undersea current coming from the South drifts away from the formation of bad mixing of the deep ocean. The mission accurately measured from one place to take away the Moon suddenly.  The distortion of water due to the gravitational influence change the life evolved on Earth, allowing for the appearance of more complex multi-cellular organisms.

The biology factor adapted mammals in such a way that their vision partial active subjected to a balance to see and not to be seen. The Moon has completely changed in that phase. The Milky Way desires “Earth-Moon Relationships,” and several aspects link, with the birth of offspring with the formation. Perhaps that is combined impact of the electric history reconcile in to the phases.

Finally, the key role in understanding big challenges, challenged us to develop accurate prophecy of the sun and the Moon. The Moon of celestial matter, for great technical and scientific achievements inspired humankind to learn how to travel to space, and to bring life beyond Earth’s structure.

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