Journey into the past

Journey into the past

Friday, 18 September 2015

The after effect of the fusion - Human Body

The bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that populate every nook and cranny of the human body mark an important step towards understanding how microbes make humans human.

The human body contains about 100 trillion cells, but only maybe one in 10 of those cells are actually — human. The rest are from bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

The human we see in the mirror is made up of more microbes than human.
The microbial microbes that live in and on our bodies but also all the genes — all the metabolic capabilities they’re there for a reason. We have a relationship with them — we give them a place to live, and they keep us busy.
They digest our food and extract vitamins and other nutrients, teach our immune systems how to recognize dangerous invaders and even compounds chemicals that make us sick.

These microbes are part of our disease as well. These bugs disrupt the delicate carefully construct bodies, and make us sick.
They are the disturbance in the immune system and some kind of imbalance. And then we live under normal circumstances, in a benign way and become a disease-bearing organism.

Our obsession in babies disrupts the normal idea behind the first normal, healthy like. The microbes in a pregnant woman's birth canal start to change just before she gives birth. Babies are born with just the right micro biome they'll need to be in this world.

More than their bodies their mouths, noses, guts, behind each ear and inside each elbow micro biomes landscape, across the body the microbial cells talk to human cells and   human cells talk back to them.  Because together makes us who we are.

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