Journey into the past

Journey into the past

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The celestial battle

The earth was warming. The snow was melting. Volcanoes erupted and the ground began to shake. The high winds and dust storms. The universe was in chaos. On earth brimstones falling causes a lot of trouble in the skies. A large asteroid called Enki partnered with Adamu the moon to enslave the true divine being, the unknown Mother Goddess. However basic stupidity evolved on Adamu.
The giant watery split in two, one half struck the Milky Way galaxy and the other on earth. The gravitational pull is so strong that it wreaks havoc on earth, causing floods to reverse the magnetic poles.

The incredibly long lives assigned to the harsh, humiliating work felt they were in hell, a hell that lasted for millions of years. Eventually, the rebelled, took Adamu as hostage and threatened to kill him if their work was not drastically complete.

Anu arrived with the proposed that he be allowed to make a primitive slave to begin the work of the modeled.

The Divine Feminine in captivity reprimand to collaborate with the deceptiveness of Enki the Satan. Due to this non co operation by the Divine Goddess numerous failures, hard work, trial and error, failed experiments, creation of monstrosities, Enki finally succeeded in making their “perfect” prototype. To make the Adamu, Enki had to “bind the image” onto that DNA through deceptiveness that alter a primitive homoerectus to the Homosapien man.
When the gods decided to rape, Enki complained that the devastation on earth let all the earlier variety die in the deluge.

Enki managed to collect the seed to repopulate after the flood waters receded.

The humans were desperately needed, to work for kingship and priest to act as intermediaries between Gods and the half human children genetically modified.
In the distant past a huge war occurred to capture the Supreme Mother Goddess. The outburst raised a radioactive cloud, nuclear wind and fallout that killed innumerable people and gods alike.
Though Enki re-established his base, the mode of acquisition proved a mission on earth team headed by Enki. After the deceptive battle Enki along with the seeds and the captive relocated. Enki established new operations of advanced mining techniques in Africa over 100,000 years ago. Obviously, they needed man and goddess for the new operations as ape Gods were able to conduct highly technical operations.

After the nuclear devastation which was indeed a  very rare event a space port was built at the site of the landing area during the flood. When Enlil got wind of this effort, he flew and destroyed the launch tower and the space programme.

The city Egypt according to ra, amen and tem, involved in the exile came to set up the space port. Those gods went to the orbiting space station as the scholar’s expressions.

Later on many of the Quran’s style of mixing history together, in a few verses, existing as a whole were joined together.  They ripped apart science beyond future.
It is the existence of seven water-filled belts stored for advanced technology in the asteroid belts which worked as fuel for the deceptive gods to hold the corpse to symbolize “heaven”

The air or wind in the asteroid belts soaring serpents and dragons as the creator of humanity.

Serpents or reptiles like Enki, Ningishzidda, Apep Quetzalcoatl, Marduk, Kulkukaan and Itzamna referred to the ancient flaming rocket as species of being  called Jesus, Nephilim (bible), Devas (India), Asuras (Mesopotamia and India), Haruts, Maruts, Chanes (America), Elohim (Cananites), Allah ( Quran ), Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Loas (Africa), Neteru (Egypt), Igungun (Yoruba), Rishi (India) and jinn.

The “jinn” literally “snake” is reptilian angels because both the bible and Quran make it plain that Satan (Shaytan), Iblis and Lucifer was once considered the most brightest of all the angels. Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel and the rest of the angels is another devil.

The Asuras waged war against Ramâ (India) is both demons.
Mother Goddess lamented “We indeed created you, we fashioned angels, Finally Adam prostrated to Iblis”.

The secret weapon

As described the celestial weapon considered to be the discharged intent. The target will face complete annihilation. Used only once in a lifetime the user display the weapon that for the purpose of upholding dharma.

According to the invoked, a key is bestowed upon the user when he is given the weapon. By proper call upon the force against his opponent the damage is all around to exist. Women and men become infertile. There is rainfall and the cracks created by various demigods, is considered to be the most powerful of all.

There are numerous threatened as ordered, but unable to do so, instead subsequently did not have a piece of silent pray to the power.

Similarly in the final blow Ravana, individually, the whole firmament by the flash of a time of cosmic annihilation. The radiation produced explosion in the whole cosmic situation. The heat at the time of annihilation retracted Lord Sri Krishna."

The theory can annihilate to destroy the world. And secondly, nothing can be built up or that natural laws work under the direction of the lord.
The world can be destroyed only by the will of the all-powerful lord, and by only transcendental, supernatural knowledge, i.e., the specific invoked potency through regular means.

As specific conditions involving the usage, the knowledge involving use, was passed from directly the particular mind.  Eyes, words used by lesser beings will affect the human beings.
Consequent inter connectedness and interdependence, become self oriented and actions, are restored as also the balance.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

The secret syllable – The undisclosed

In an effort to explain a complex interpretive system to reconcile new method reached their attention. Enki knew that a perfect being was not possible through Adamu as this needed the hidden intelligent consciousness a divine feminine with the 12 stranded DNA. Thus the spiraling 10 strands of that DNA recreated the present human.

Enki saw the word hidden in the core of Adamu. Shortly they decided to authenticate their awareness through the black supremacy if indeed such word was hidden within the core of Adam.
The answer through the deadliest magic affirmed that such was hidden within the core of the man.
Enki decided to confront Adamu and persuade him to bring down the supreme creator Goddess, which  to be held in captivity and compel the conception of the new creation and the universe.
However, Adamu rebelled and in the second account, Adamu was taken from his land to dispute between matters that was discussed behind closed doors. The unspeakable name of an anonymous is the conflict that arose because Adamu, refused, pronouncing the unspeakable name of an unknown goddess.

Adamu was angered by rude behavior, the threat from the three angels.  Adamu refused, claiming that the Supreme created the images and/ the angels. And in this act Adamu felt that he would be in risk.
At this point, Enkis spell formulas proposed to protect the directly associated.

In turn, Enki the serpent seduced Adamu. It striked a chord that “real women” is essential to occur in the copied world. All associated still remains unknown.

The Secret Syllable to be spoken on circumstances.  As a result of spirits name invoked, the supreme power would attempt to guard the sleeping creation. The queen of the realm appears as the divine presence, the mother of the house. The holy, noble, obedient Adam was responsible for the lies in her defiance. It is the control of Enki that makes Adamu, the greatest Satan ever on earth.

She is the divinely ordered state of a powerful woman against whom men had few defenses and protection. Her legend demonstrates disruptive and destructive. She provides necessary dimension, which is otherwise lacking, to the story which, portrays eve as a sexless fool. A character of the original is a beast of the desert with the jackals, and the wild goat rest. The word is, however, the association with instance.

In her real power she represents the female with the severest controls that been kept hidden. However, a powerful unidentified presence, an unspoken name, in the mind of one person is used to identify the true source of the world.

The twelve fallen angels are evil, because they have no power or strength to stand up against the woman by strength. The “human treatise” described the form of a beautiful woman "burning fire" with the primordial.

Amulets, magic or incantation identified a number composed of pairs of combined information that is not recognized with the serpent. For a snake's lower parts between Adamu in the scene carved the doorway of the façade.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Tablet of wisdom

Valley between two rivers
The valley between the two, the first object that was shiny that held immense power and knowledge. These held the fate of the determined.

 From the first, the recorded account of the great , possessed the tablets. He received these tablets from the mother goddess. Mother goddess was the original owner of the tablets, and by giving these tablets to man, man was twisted by Satan to speak of a name which is not his name.
 But the attempt to steal the tablets fails.
The tablets from the valley originated from creation.
The tablets being given to man by Goddess
Then the fearsome man sealed on his breast.
The tablets of destiny are clearly seen.
Placed on his breast shows the motifs of the tablets
The possession of noteworthy control and magnitude .

The tablet of great wisdom and the secret of the universe

 If thou enchant the sky, the earth, the abyss, the mountains, and the sea; thou wilt understand the language of the air, and thou wilt know what the earth are saying, and thou wilt see the depths of the sea. And if thou wert dead in the form thou once hadst, thou wilt see the shining full moon wilt.

A 100 pieces of silver for its location the wicked eventually seals it.
The hidden within a box, within a box, and within a life.
He fixes the book to his breast, just before his death.

The tablet holds the secrets of three discs
When the word in your mind takes place to represent your past, you’re present and your future, enormous power indicates a spinning wheel.
The spinning wheels on the either side of the life.
One that  inside of the treaty is the real power behind the great gods.
These hide the perfect place in the facade.

The two was kept in the enemy’s power but handled the tablets with injury.
The powers and attribute that were immensely powerful and important to the Anunnaki.
What could have been that gave them such a position of importance?

These held the secret of the universe, which was the knowledge. This was the knowledge that had allowed the Anunnaki to live for centuries, and travel huge distances at great speeds, and this is the knowledge that has been hidden from mankind. For with this you become god. It is this that separates the science of the universe.
 The "space" to see things that we at cannot see.

This space we see as the ancients created.

The world was in the hands of the Assyrians.  They entered the land and sacked the world's treasures. This treasury of unknown wealth and beauty has been the riches of the world.
The one visited the Fertile Crescent, amazed, watching the path.
A young king died a million times
The Keys to the treasury ever to have known.
This is the treasury to be protected.

 The royal families and religious leaders conspired, and negotiated a settlement to reestablished their ancient king line to power.

 The great treasury upon opening , many of the great iconic pieces missing, including the last word.
At the time of the flood mankind from the deluge, safe guard the destruction of the word.
It involves the continuation of all mankind to exist.

Tree of Life

After the first success of capturing Adam, Enki “proudly declared, ‘to the tree of life two branches have been added, with procreating powers the life essences are now entwined. Enki started the half secret brotherhood of the snake (the Kundalini) for Adamu descendants. The brotherhood will give them advanced knowledge.

Ninmah, Adamu and Enki felt the conscious of soul connection in their sexuality.  Adamu awakened to realization when he discovered enjoyment in their sexuality. Ninmah began to breed more and more. Those children coupled with each other and brought in different variety of species, few half humanoid on earth too. In due course over a long period, after many varieties, there finally came a different looking race homo erectus which in turn brought the Homo sapiens. Enki coupled with the Homo erectus and the Homosapien boys and girls. Enki kept his fatherhood secret. Enki taught them all method of voodoo and witchcrafts. Enki boasted, a new kind of earthling has been created, in my image and after my likeness.

Yet he was not pleased as he could not create the looks of the Adamu thou he managed to create the two legged beings. He knew there was a missing link in his creation. He decided to look for that missing part which was the road to perfection.

Enki v/s Enlil

One day when Enlil visited Enki he saw a blue eyed Adamu placed in an enclosure. Ninmah proud of herself spoke up and showed the commander what they had done. Enlil made Enki explain. Enki confessed. Enki’s team had exceeded in the act of   creation of a new kind which did not go well with Enlil.  Enki arrested Enlil and sentenced Enlil for disobedience. Ningishzidda, however, calm down Enki and the commander released Enlil.  Enki called Enlil a snake, descending on his genetic program without permission.

In a few thousand years of work Enkis team were relieved. Adama’s   genes   created mixed hybrid, reptilian humanoid species. Adama’s descendant’s became priests to lead rituals and taught the creations to obey , worship and give sacrifices to Enki, Nannar and the other Anunnaki fallen angels as gods.

Nothing was created out of nothing. Everything began with a foundational base. Until they found the source, the Anunnaki gods were nothing more than uncivilized animals. They never had the technology what the genesis or other tablets reveal. All religion and mythology was recorded once they found the component which elevated their position. The difference was they knew how to use it to their benefit.

Friday, 18 September 2015

The after effect of the fusion - Human Body

The bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that populate every nook and cranny of the human body mark an important step towards understanding how microbes make humans human.

The human body contains about 100 trillion cells, but only maybe one in 10 of those cells are actually — human. The rest are from bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

The human we see in the mirror is made up of more microbes than human.
The microbial microbes that live in and on our bodies but also all the genes — all the metabolic capabilities they’re there for a reason. We have a relationship with them — we give them a place to live, and they keep us busy.
They digest our food and extract vitamins and other nutrients, teach our immune systems how to recognize dangerous invaders and even compounds chemicals that make us sick.

These microbes are part of our disease as well. These bugs disrupt the delicate carefully construct bodies, and make us sick.
They are the disturbance in the immune system and some kind of imbalance. And then we live under normal circumstances, in a benign way and become a disease-bearing organism.

Our obsession in babies disrupts the normal idea behind the first normal, healthy like. The microbes in a pregnant woman's birth canal start to change just before she gives birth. Babies are born with just the right micro biome they'll need to be in this world.

More than their bodies their mouths, noses, guts, behind each ear and inside each elbow micro biomes landscape, across the body the microbial cells talk to human cells and   human cells talk back to them.  Because together makes us who we are.


The beginning of these fallen angel race was asexual mortal both male and female and can change between being dominantly male or female. Similar to many other species they become pregnant themselves having sex. This is the reproduction. These give live birth. They lay eggs with a shell from which offspring emerge. The eggs have a leather-like shell that thins as the hatch date looms near.

Eggs in all different sizes and shapes to best accommodate the size and shape of the offspring.  Upon delivery of the offspring the entire shell structure has thinned to the point that only the thin mucous membrane remains from which the offspring emerges. Because no whitish shell structure is seen and the membrane is sometimes broken through by the time the baby is fully delivered by the mother, these babies are born live.

Their conducted extensive genetic engineering did not take place in hi tech labs but in the jungles where they intermingled with different species. They wanted to conquer and control different types amongst them because they did not possess a look which is fit to be seen.

Binding of Energies

The life essences of Adamu was extracted bit by bit in a mud pot, then in the male part of Adamu, a drop of blood was let out. ‘Let that flesh and soul combine forever’. Ninmah squeezed the male part for blood, one drop in each vessel to bind a union between the body and soul.

The union of Adamu and Enki as one and the womb of Ninmah could not fashion the perfect form.
Rather as Enki fused into Adam, the energy of Enki transformed into the wind within the celestial human. Adam begins to flush out and leave behind current of air.  This was the foundation of a fused creation of a thoughtless God.

During the period when man was in the celestial garden, the nature exists in a state of equilibrium. It is after the unnatural fusion of man and Satan , the celestial Adamu (masculine forces of creation) separates from the true being , the divine feminine which is the original force of creation . Enki along with the fusion with Adamu manifest  the bonding of life , birth, growth, slumber, senses, excreta, wind, decay and death.

The first human is the direct manifestation of the real unknown creator Goddess the unknown to the universe went on to create a supreme appearance.  Mans descendants or off springs were the result of his action with Enki the fallen angel which was not anything more than a deformed version of the original concept.

In the Supreme Reality of the unknown God there was neither day nor night, neither earth nor sky and neither darkness nor light. At the subsidence of creation, Enki the False God with his desire entered Adamu who is beyond all bonding. His entry stimulated the process of a new creation on earth called mankind.

First of all, a single great element originated encompassing all the other lesser elements. From this great element originated sound. From sound originated water. Water produced expression
Ego and sense of touch manifested through Enki which produced wind inside Adamu. Hence, air was created. With wind smell originated, Fire gave birth to taste.

The   organs were produced by ego. Thus, the skin, eyes, ears, nose and tongue- aid the mind in its function. Anus, sex organs, hands, legs and speech organs are that help in action.
The unnatural fusion of man and Satan further created excretion, reproduction, movement and speech. All the five elements like sky, air, fire, water and earth are full of emotions. Hence, all these elements and their combination were present in the great ball or egg, from which lord Vishnu or Brahma or Enki had emerged.
 Lord Vishnu devours the entire elements and himself sleeps in the manifestation of Brahma.

The Rape of Humanity

Enki and Ninmah determined to abduct the sedated striking moonlike Adamu. It was time for them to set their plan in motion. Enki in the marshlands looked about. With him was Ninmah, the shape lifting sexless reptilian divine feminine. On the river’s bank, they notice the young Adamu; the sedated human saw the sight of Enkis phallus with water springing out. Adamu was in a state of sedated act with Enki and Ninmah. Enki had a burning desire for the young striking Adamu. Enki called to offer him the fruit of knowledge. Enki bent down, the young one he embraced; on his lips he kissed him. Sweet were his lips, firm was his phallus. Enki the serpent coupled with the young naive Adamu. He inserted his semen within Adamu.   Enki fused with Adamu and felt the electric current pass within his body. The merging of the two bodies created the union. Thus Adamu became Enki the greatest Satan who became the God of the universe. Enki harnessed all the energy of Adamu which made him stronger and extremely powerful.  Enki declared god as the man.

The life essence was extracted from Adamu in the wood. Enki decided to enjoy himself as the father (Enki) was full of desire and sought to extract the highest spirit from the son. He measured Adamu as the tree of life. Enki, the god of insight said to himself: "it is my foundation with all of the toil.' the Adamu look like the perfect gift of procreation. Adama’s seeds along with Enkis was scattered for the creation of man.

Ninmah, the false divine feminine then coupled with the blissful Adamu. Into her womb she took the holy semen of Adamu, by the semen of   Adamu she was impregnated. Ninmah fetus gestated. Ninmah laid seven eggs and Adama’s seven hybrid boys emerged; they looked like deformed figure and likeness of a reptilian Anunnaki in appearance. Eventually dinosaurs evolved as Australopithecus afarensis and inhabited the earth. These creatures, while possessing very ape-like heads, had more deformed human-like bodies. Thou they could not create the right look; they succeeded in creating a hybrid humanoid that walked on two legs.

This was the beginning for Enki the Satan who came to be known as our father and Ninmah the mother of mankind. The sexless Ninmah was declared as the great queen and was presented to earthlings as the primordial goddess of the earth.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Deadliest voodoo witchcraft

Enki or the Satan or the leader of the group of angels was the master of the cruel & deadliest voodoo witchcraft which he used to practice and instruct in the African continent.

They made that which resembles the victim Adamu; the heart was kept open for the final ritual. A ritual was performed and a heart was pulled out from a hybrid body while it was vibrating and placed into the heart area of the doll, at this point the doll was infused with Enkis semen connecting it with the victim Adamu with an invisible psychic chord. Once the doll and the victim were connected, needles were pushed in the doll at specific points to break the energy system of the victim.

As the pins pierced the ash of the dead was infused with negatively charged energy by Enki, the Satan, the effects to get unlimited control over the victims mind & body. The prime focus was to destroy the opposing coordination within the victim. The technique continued for years until the victim was put into a state of partially asleep. Voodoo witchcraft and black magic was being used at a horrifying rate and the hushed up voodoo witchcraft dominated the areas within Adamu spreading like wild fire. In the south the victim gradually reach the pinnacle losing the strong element.


The Anunnaki headed by Enki kept a watch on the valley for a extended period scheming the whole concept. They assessed the force and knew that their search now ends and the beginning of a new operation will begin shortly.

However Enki, the great scientist knew it was not possible to capture the enormously volatile power unless a major part is deactivated. This deactivation of the moon and the life form Adamu or the human will set him to deep slumber. Something like an anesthesia that puts you into a deep sleep so you do not feel pain during surgery and you will not be aware of what is happening around you or have any memories of the procedure.

The Anunnaki Watchers

Billions of years later the Anunnakis decided to keep a watch on the paradise which was a small land mass with ocean on two sides fusing the sky and earth. They decided to keep a close watch to find for an opportunity to avenge the dishonor. Although they were unable to create the grandeur that they sought after, they were very adamant about creating a parallel heaven, a replica of the original.

When Alalu and king Anu had discord between them, Alalu was thrown out from the African continent. In his wandering state he saw a strange land where sickness was not known, pearls and muslin were adorned and the celestial being radiated like the dazzling moon. Alalu saw the creation striking, elevated, just and enormously superior to any of them. A creation as the moon, associated with the celestial feminine goddess. Alalu was flabbergasted and could not believe what he saw. It took him a while to understand that this was real. Immediately Alalu went back to inform king Anu about what he found on the magnificent heavenly land mass.  Alalu thought the discovery, could negotiate his comeback position in Africa.

Anu did not believe Alalu at first. So he decided to send his eldest son Enki (called then ea) and his daughter Ninmah to check the authenticity of the information. The duo arrived at the location closer to the dreamland and both Enki and Ninmah were taken aback with the sight of the grandeur and exquisiteness of the valley and knew that the moment has finally come. The crossing from the dense forest to find the heaven situated on the other side of earth was the change for the wandering clan. Since they could fly with their broken wings, they settled at a distance from where they could keep a watch on the valley. They kept a close watch on the activities of the land. During this time they did not possess any technology to travel in spacecraft or shuttlecrafts or posses any freighter class crafts for commercial and military purposes for sky. The Anunnaki Fallen angels lived in the wilderness and the world was dark and cold.

Enki and Ninmah knew that there was no looking back as this is exactly what they longed for. They were thrilled and their contentment knew no limitations. At the same time both the brother and sister fell in love with the young striking Adamu.

Enki, Ninmah saw striking godlike Adamu, the perfect human could not be a match for their own minds and culture—who can demonstrate   mental, emotional, and artistic potentials and abilities with scientific data and technologies that they did not possess. They decided to mix the Anunnaki genes with the Adamu genes; to create a new intelligent breed of gods. In this they felt they will look like the divine godlike striking Adamu with immortality. Enki felt that the search for immortality has come to an end.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

The Paradise on Earth

The paradise on earth on the eastern side situated in the south of a nation was the perfect triangle of immortality, the brilliance of the moon fashioned the radiance on the garden, pearls of perception, solitaire of life essence and above all the abode of the celestial being.

Heaven on earth located eastward was a valley with mountains, bounded by oceanic water on two sides. There was no old age or sickness known here. There was no desire or hunger known here. White muslin and pearls swayed the celestial Realm. Sun was in no way an element of the bliss. The brilliance of the moon shone all over the glory. Time was not known. The division of day and night did not exist.

The myth of gold mining

The Anunnaki fallen angels were banished from paradise for their transgressing of the divine law. They did not come to earth to mine for gold or to make a shield to protect their ailing atmospheric conditions on Nibiru because Nibiru never existed and the Nibiru which they referred as planet was their mother ship, which was created billions of years later after the last ice age. What appears in space is really the shadow of Nibiru.

However, the Anunnaki were delighted to find gold on earth because they used it for ornamentation. They looked so hideous that they felt perhaps with ornament on their body they would enhance their looks.  The body they got hold of with much of struggle was deformed, hairy, and they began rubbing gold powder all over their body to look special and glorious as they always considered themselves to be special and godly creature. The other reason being that gold attracted enriched waves of the Absolute Fire Principle the sun into their bodies and emitted it into the environment. This was their original obsession to the secret of gold mining.

They began their life on earth as slaves and also bred many slaves to work for them, and they produced many of the hybrid lower classes to do the same. Since they were cast out of their heavenly positions, the Anunnaki elite and their cadre of 12 followers was living in the darkness of the so called criminal world. As they evolved gradually they acquired the form of worms, bacteria and eventually evolved as lizards, dinosaurs, wolf, dogs and snakes and so forth. The more they experimented they could never create a perfect looking being as they wanted.

The Anunnaki Rizqiyians

Rizqiyians known as fallen angels has come to be known as Anunnaki who were flung into the earth in the dense shadows, for their disobedience.  The constant intermingling with the three suns was the cause for their destiny on earth.
The race due to their own impure light established as the fallen ones from heaven. 
When the guardian from heaven was twisted into an asteroid, the inferior one, superior of the impure became the father of evil Eloheem, Cherubeems.
Thou the inferior race was cast out of paradise their lower vibration egocentric personality always measured themselves to be superior.

Life as a Single celled to multicellular species

The Anunnaki angels divided into two clans led by Enki and Enlil. Ninmah/ Ninti / Ninhursag were a half-sister to both of them and the false divine feminine.

Enki took over the original Eden, his base in the ancient near east, until his mission was accomplished. While Enlil took over the Biblical Eden (Africa), which later was also referred as Planet Nibiru, held dominion over that entire continent.  Eventually Enki established Egypt as his domain. Enki’s clan came to be known as a “serpent race”.

The Anunnakis (all of them) originally evolved on earth from a single-celled organism that lived roughly 4 billion years ago to the present multicellular species as human. After the last ice age, the main physical difference gave rise to the present Homo sapiens.

A shape lifting race filled with arrogance, cunning, concealed, deceiving. These were the original slaves that were underground billions of years ago on this planet. The powerful shape lifting jinn’s or demigods thrown out of their original homes without a spacecraft’s or missiles as what is been written in all their tablets and scriptures. These are stories to the human mind to represent themselves as supernatural heroes.

Infact they knew nothing and did not have the resources to create anything. All the myth and stories are fabricated by the Anunnaki gods who positioned themselves as supernatural gods in the mind of hybrid humans.

Infact they began their journey as slaves and did not possess the technology or knowledge. Of course they created their concocted history from stolen ideas and knowledge and with all the wrong substance and distorted the truth in their mythology.

In fact their history and mythology is a fraction of their distorted brains which is complete garbage filled with lies just like the conception of the universe.

Cast out of Heaven

The devil and his fallen angels were cast to the underworld earth where darkness prevailed. The land was dry with no water. These fallen angels are also known as the Anunnaki Nephilim (the race of watchers).

And they land into the depth of darkness, and with the impact created the asteroid belt throughout the galaxy and the fragments scattered on earth, their seed as meteorite.  This was their crossing where life evolved gradually and soon they were wandering rootless in the dense jungles of Africa.

By nature they became more fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They became carnivorous and cannibalistic. They never had any spacecrafts or rocket at their command. They were on their foot and wing. Later they also demanded human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquered and from their own kind whom they enslaved. If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have concocted an impression of the Anunnaki. These fallen angels specialize in mind control and in voodoo witchcraft.

Foundation of Angels

The original source had created the assembly of twelve and Elohim as the guardian of heaven. The most high advised them to take delight in the glory and the splendor of the cosmos, though they were prohibited from stirring all of the forces. The council of twelve and their arrogant chief became exceedingly nosy to know about the conception.

In their prying they wanted to finger energies which were prohibited to them. It created disorder within them due to the merging of energies. As they began to experiment their divine look became disparate. When the goddess saw this diverse look she knew they had transgressed the divine decree. This fashioned them into a creature filled with resentment, anger, revenge, emotion, desire and so forth.

Thou they were created as guardians of heaven in earth, this transgression required eradicating the 13 angels, but the leader of the council pleaded the celestial goddess to let them outside the heavenly boundaries. So they will be remorseful for their mistake and come back to seek forgiveness and thereby they be dissolved. If they were destroyed, they alleged that   they would never know the cost of their blunder. So the eternal creator granted their appeal. It did not punish them rather it was them, who choose the penalty for their disobedience. Thus the angels were exiled due to their disobedience towards the celestial commandment set forth.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Creation is an act of divine sequence.  Water, light, firmament is formless and empty, the watery abyss conceived in the midst the heavens from the earth.
Day and night exiled to yield light and control time. The creation source was scientifically and mathematically complex.
Anunnakis did not care for gold metal. They were looking for systems that can produce a molecular form, and speed on the realm with the technology.
The black was governed in eyes perfected with the development of money and system.

Creation Myth

Beyond 4,600,000,000 years b.c   the oldest zircon on earth existed, the planet in a counterclockwise direction.
From outer gravitational pull a wind is hidden, forcing the seven chunk of   body encircling as he moved toward a new tablet of destiny.
The path opened but breaking the whole. The path changed the planets destiny as time.
A Nephilim   had   come directly at the rupture and tore the basis of the creation and the ’firmament’ was named the hell.
On the north, wind struck the days, and nights continued as a moon.
The destruction in the remaining land surrounded formed an ocean.
As a result its disruption set   the creation epic. Science rock the skies, the sun’s heat arose in the   earth.   The elements for life on two parallel found primitive humanoids

The Solar System

The sun is a hot ball of gases at the heart of our system. Its influence is intense energy and heat, like our scattered galaxy.
The sun is a ball of gas held together in the center of our system and makes the front door
Rotate and spin.
The spots and flares on the mood extend beyond the five dwarf asteroids, and three bodies.
The constant wind and the element feature the interior and how it interacts.
The intense energy is life at the core

Sun scorched mercury. Mercury has very little impacts and it is covered with craters. Mercury's day is super-heated by the sun, but at night temperatures drop hundreds of degrees even in craters. Mercury's egg takes the sun every day.
Mercury is the earth's moon.
It is the closest to the sun.
Mercury rotates or spins in earth days.
Mercury is a cratered moon.
Mercury's composed of oxygen (o2), sodium (Na), hydrogen (h2), helium (he), and potassium (k).
Atoms blasted by the solar wind and meteoroid visited at night. It is closest to the sun.

Venus similar in size, mass, density, composition, and gravity covered by a thick, rapidly spinning atmosphere, creating a scorched world with temperatures hot enough to melt lead and surface pressure 90 times that of earth. Because of earth its clouds appears to be the sky.
Venus infrared as it passed to Jupiter. The past several hundred thousand years. Venus across the sun pairs beyond their capabilities and limitations to find carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid. Only water traps the sun's heat, resulting in few survived not longer than 2 hours in the intense heat. Sulfur compounds are significant and erosion compared with earth's west and set in the east as Venus orbit slowly rotating by force of winds. How this "super-rotation" is associated with sulfuric acid clouds.
Craters do not exist on Venus, because meteors burn the surface. It is Venus dot the surface extending the highest mountain comparable to Mount Everest on earth.
Venus has a core that has no magnetic field - though its core rotates too slowly to generate the magnetic field that earth has.

Earth exists under a thin layer that separates complex systems.
The instrument used to balance life in the system is in the south within the system. The presence of water and meteorites at the core give the wind charged particles continuously ejecting the trapped wind to glow as the northern and southern lights.
Earth’s ocean split and separate within the last years.
Earth's moon guided timekeepers for thousands of years. Its influence on earth charted many cultures in many ages. The moon over billions of years  spinning around the dark filled with lava between 4.2 and 1.2 billion years ago. These light and dark represent rocks of different ages, which crystallized from an ocean. The craters preserved for billions of years, provide history for the moon and other bodies in the system.
The moon's origin is with earth. Approximately few billion years ago, both accumulated to form natural settlement. The newly formed moon was in a state of crystallized,   floating upward and eventually forming the moon.  An internal dynamo terrestrial scorched and Moon changed with impacts of asteroids, meteoroids strikes. Over billions of years, the fragments powder the entire moon by a rubble pile of charcoal-gray, powdery dust and rocky debris beneath the fractured moon
U.s. And U.S.S.R. surface on the moon as meteoroids and solar wind rock earth.
After a long mission, the new turbulence bent the celestial body.
Moon got confused with a solar system body which is orbiting a star.

Mars' speculated that a likely advanced life form and water might exist. Mars a dead planet of mysteries and circumstances to support small life forms called microbes.
Mars is a terrestrial planet - and atmospheric conditions have altered the surface of mars.
Mars has two asteroids like Potato shaped, spherical with deep grooves on its surface.
Mars experiences changes that affects the 3 billion years ago spectacular system.
Mars has no magnetic field.  In the south highly magnetized, traces huge floods about 3.5 billion years ago where the ancient came from, lasted, in other areas as well. If water structures the ancient location the cold atmosphere required to carve great channels and flood plains. The story of mars is unlocking as we know it.
Martian carbon-based molecules called organics; the chemical building blocks of life will reveal more about the present and past of mars, as well as humans some day.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive, containing material of the left over after the formation that went to Jupiter, forming a type of gas giant.
Jupiter's appearance is composed with unknown chemicals with no solid surface. Jupiter's spots for many years merged to form shallow deeply rooted interior.
The composition of jupiter is that of the sun -- hydrogen and helium. Deep in the atmosphere the hydrogen gas gives Jupiter the ocean made of hydrogen instead of water.
Scientists think that, the electrons squeezed off the hydrogen atoms, making the liquid electrically conducting. Jupiter's electrical currents are a core of the powerful Saturn’s swarm of particles and spacecraft.
With four large moons kind of frozen crust of dark particles meteoroids makeup its origin.

Adorned with thousands of beautiful rings, Saturn is unique. All gas made of  ice and rock -- but complicated Saturn is a massive ball of hydrogen and helium.
Saturn was the ancient surprise, continuing using more powerful rings. It is now influence of moon of earth. Winds on earth rising from within the interior, cause the rings illuminate the ridges.
Saturn's Jupiter promises to reveal much information and evidence of recent ongoing changes of Saturn.
At Saturn’s center is a dense core of intense pressure and heat. It is enveloped a layer of liquid hydrogen. Saturn's magnetic field is smaller than earth's. Saturn, the lie totally influenced more by wind. On earth, our knowledge of Saturn is at the surface. The shining is seeking to make a second extended mission, which continues.

The first with the aid of originally thought star rotates east to west. Uranus' appears to be a planet in the planet's history, which apparently imaged. When the south pointed directly at the sun, Uranus was near the southern hemisphere bathed in continuous sunlight and the northern hemisphere radiating blackness.
Uranus in December 2007, when crossing from earth reveal new spot of blue-green color gas. Uranus in a blue-green color is in a core of dark alignment with tipped axis of rotation, and is also irregular.
Uranus has two rings from the strangest-looking partial interior.
Uranus got unsuccessful but instead was named the god of the sky.

The unknown Neptune searching for moon
Nearly invisible the highly eccentric Neptune crash into two bodies.
The misalignment gradually merging into water and the result is the winds storm in southern hemisphere. This was enough to reveal the appearance of great shadow on a cloud.
Neptune confirmed moon was captured in the distant past. Despite this Neptune was Adams planet. Using the name was not acceptable to the roman god of the sea.

The Earth Moon Relationship

Earth’s moon formation was, together with extremely beautiful tidal effect swell extremely high, to the point that the early magma ocean was affected. This provided energy to the temperature from elements heating a source, keeping the magma hot and cool, the first crust on top of the magma.

During this period the meteor bombardment had been very intense at the system and then started to decline. But after the birth there was a rupture of impostors for about hundred million years, and heavy bombardment on the Moon.

In this the Moon is a history and the Earth was hit more than the Moon, however, this increased gravity accelerated to higher velocities towards the Earth. That shattering bombardments sterilized the life unless it found a way to be protected from these devastation.

When some of these impostors hit the Earth, the explosion caused rocks to shoot up and that material flew all over, and landed on the Moon. There could be a few materials, buried under a rock, survived of atmospheric weathering. Those rocks, tell about the history of Earth life.

By exploring the Moon, on how the Earth has processed the Moon that has shaped the Earth, due to impacts. There was a period of activity from the exterior about 2 billion years ago under different circumstances. The Moon channel below a Crust insignificant heating and indulgence dissipated that led to the cycle blocked by this lid on the surface. The Earth drags the crust, and then plunges back down and gets recycled.

There are some very subtle effects of the Moon in the oceans. One cold undersea current coming from the South drifts away from the formation of bad mixing of the deep ocean. The mission accurately measured from one place to take away the Moon suddenly.  The distortion of water due to the gravitational influence change the life evolved on Earth, allowing for the appearance of more complex multi-cellular organisms.

The biology factor adapted mammals in such a way that their vision partial active subjected to a balance to see and not to be seen. The Moon has completely changed in that phase. The Milky Way desires “Earth-Moon Relationships,” and several aspects link, with the birth of offspring with the formation. Perhaps that is combined impact of the electric history reconcile in to the phases.

Finally, the key role in understanding big challenges, challenged us to develop accurate prophecy of the sun and the Moon. The Moon of celestial matter, for great technical and scientific achievements inspired humankind to learn how to travel to space, and to bring life beyond Earth’s structure.


The Moon was formed out of the Earth’s core.
The ocean fused the formation with the explosive elements.
The Moon captured by the capture mechanism extended around the primitive Earth, which slow the movement of the Moon before it could escape.
That is the idea so as to an ancient piece of mass emerging cause the scar of this event.
 However the oceanic crust much older than the Moon originated creation of the Earth–Moon system. The Earth as a primordial 4.5 billion years ago had a process in the formation of the Moon.
The Moon in hell on earth was a reality; with asteroids batter its history.
During the first, asteroids surfaced the planet, flying around the Moon.
The Earth sunk to its core, delivered asteroid impacts.
The ocean opposes the strand within the premature Earth.