The earth was warming. The snow was melting. Volcanoes erupted and the ground began to shake. The high winds and dust storms. The universe was in chaos. On earth brimstones falling causes a lot of trouble in the skies. A large asteroid called Enki partnered with Adamu the moon to enslave the true divine being, the unknown Mother Goddess. However basic stupidity evolved on Adamu.
The giant watery split in two, one half struck the Milky Way galaxy and the other on earth. The gravitational pull is so strong that it wreaks havoc on earth, causing floods to reverse the magnetic poles.
The incredibly long lives assigned to the harsh, humiliating work felt they were in hell, a hell that lasted for millions of years. Eventually, the rebelled, took Adamu as hostage and threatened to kill him if their work was not drastically complete.
Anu arrived with the proposed that he be allowed to make a primitive slave to begin the work of the modeled.
The Divine Feminine in captivity reprimand to collaborate with the deceptiveness of Enki the Satan. Due to this non co operation by the Divine Goddess numerous failures, hard work, trial and error, failed experiments, creation of monstrosities, Enki finally succeeded in making their “perfect” prototype. To make the Adamu, Enki had to “bind the image” onto that DNA through deceptiveness that alter a primitive homoerectus to the Homosapien man.
When the gods decided to rape, Enki complained that the devastation on earth let all the earlier variety die in the deluge.
Enki managed to collect the seed to repopulate after the flood waters receded.
The humans were desperately needed, to work for kingship and priest to act as intermediaries between Gods and the half human children genetically modified.
In the distant past a huge war occurred to capture the Supreme Mother Goddess. The outburst raised a radioactive cloud, nuclear wind and fallout that killed innumerable people and gods alike.
Though Enki re-established his base, the mode of acquisition proved a mission on earth team headed by Enki. After the deceptive battle Enki along with the seeds and the captive relocated. Enki established new operations of advanced mining techniques in Africa over 100,000 years ago. Obviously, they needed man and goddess for the new operations as ape Gods were able to conduct highly technical operations.
After the nuclear devastation which was indeed a very rare event a space port was built at the site of the landing area during the flood. When Enlil got wind of this effort, he flew and destroyed the launch tower and the space programme.
The city Egypt according to ra, amen and tem, involved in the exile came to set up the space port. Those gods went to the orbiting space station as the scholar’s expressions.
Later on many of the Quran’s style of mixing history together, in a few verses, existing as a whole were joined together. They ripped apart science beyond future.
It is the existence of seven water-filled belts stored for advanced technology in the asteroid belts which worked as fuel for the deceptive gods to hold the corpse to symbolize “heaven”
The air or wind in the asteroid belts soaring serpents and dragons as the creator of humanity.
Serpents or reptiles like Enki, Ningishzidda, Apep Quetzalcoatl, Marduk, Kulkukaan and Itzamna referred to the ancient flaming rocket as species of being called Jesus, Nephilim (bible), Devas (India), Asuras (Mesopotamia and India), Haruts, Maruts, Chanes (America), Elohim (Cananites), Allah ( Quran ), Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Loas (Africa), Neteru (Egypt), Igungun (Yoruba), Rishi (India) and jinn.
The “jinn” literally “snake” is reptilian angels because both the bible and Quran make it plain that Satan (Shaytan), Iblis and Lucifer was once considered the most brightest of all the angels. Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel and the rest of the angels is another devil.
The Asuras waged war against Ramâ (India) is both demons.
Mother Goddess lamented “We indeed created you, we fashioned angels, Finally Adam prostrated to Iblis”.
The giant watery split in two, one half struck the Milky Way galaxy and the other on earth. The gravitational pull is so strong that it wreaks havoc on earth, causing floods to reverse the magnetic poles.
The incredibly long lives assigned to the harsh, humiliating work felt they were in hell, a hell that lasted for millions of years. Eventually, the rebelled, took Adamu as hostage and threatened to kill him if their work was not drastically complete.
Anu arrived with the proposed that he be allowed to make a primitive slave to begin the work of the modeled.
The Divine Feminine in captivity reprimand to collaborate with the deceptiveness of Enki the Satan. Due to this non co operation by the Divine Goddess numerous failures, hard work, trial and error, failed experiments, creation of monstrosities, Enki finally succeeded in making their “perfect” prototype. To make the Adamu, Enki had to “bind the image” onto that DNA through deceptiveness that alter a primitive homoerectus to the Homosapien man.
When the gods decided to rape, Enki complained that the devastation on earth let all the earlier variety die in the deluge.
Enki managed to collect the seed to repopulate after the flood waters receded.
The humans were desperately needed, to work for kingship and priest to act as intermediaries between Gods and the half human children genetically modified.
In the distant past a huge war occurred to capture the Supreme Mother Goddess. The outburst raised a radioactive cloud, nuclear wind and fallout that killed innumerable people and gods alike.
Though Enki re-established his base, the mode of acquisition proved a mission on earth team headed by Enki. After the deceptive battle Enki along with the seeds and the captive relocated. Enki established new operations of advanced mining techniques in Africa over 100,000 years ago. Obviously, they needed man and goddess for the new operations as ape Gods were able to conduct highly technical operations.
After the nuclear devastation which was indeed a very rare event a space port was built at the site of the landing area during the flood. When Enlil got wind of this effort, he flew and destroyed the launch tower and the space programme.
The city Egypt according to ra, amen and tem, involved in the exile came to set up the space port. Those gods went to the orbiting space station as the scholar’s expressions.
Later on many of the Quran’s style of mixing history together, in a few verses, existing as a whole were joined together. They ripped apart science beyond future.
It is the existence of seven water-filled belts stored for advanced technology in the asteroid belts which worked as fuel for the deceptive gods to hold the corpse to symbolize “heaven”
The air or wind in the asteroid belts soaring serpents and dragons as the creator of humanity.
Serpents or reptiles like Enki, Ningishzidda, Apep Quetzalcoatl, Marduk, Kulkukaan and Itzamna referred to the ancient flaming rocket as species of being called Jesus, Nephilim (bible), Devas (India), Asuras (Mesopotamia and India), Haruts, Maruts, Chanes (America), Elohim (Cananites), Allah ( Quran ), Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Loas (Africa), Neteru (Egypt), Igungun (Yoruba), Rishi (India) and jinn.
The “jinn” literally “snake” is reptilian angels because both the bible and Quran make it plain that Satan (Shaytan), Iblis and Lucifer was once considered the most brightest of all the angels. Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel and the rest of the angels is another devil.
The Asuras waged war against Ramâ (India) is both demons.
Mother Goddess lamented “We indeed created you, we fashioned angels, Finally Adam prostrated to Iblis”.